We should all know by now that Parental Alienation happens to both genders, and the effects can be equally devastating. We should also know it’s a fact that women are awarded custody much more than men, thereby having more of an opportunity to be alone with the children and to influence them. All too often that influence is aimed to turn the kids against their father. This is not to say it doesn’t also happen the other way around, because it does. Just in smaller numbers.
It’s easy for a parent to manipulate their own child, especially when the system actually helps them do it. Obviously, it takes time and a lot of manipulating to make a child go against his or her natural instincts of loving their own parents. For a child to go from loving and respecting a parent to unjustifiably hating and rejecting that parent just doesn’t happen without them being taught, especially when it comes to rejecting a very fit and loving parent.
It should go without saying that rejecting a parent goes against a child’s instincts and that a child who does this is absolutely taught this way. It’s not just a “choice” of the child’s, as alienating parents and their lawyers like to say. Real experts and factual evidence mean nothing to those who gain from this. Those who disagree with the real experts (and common sense) should be irrelevant, not the professionals and those who really want what’s best for the kids.
It’s a way of creating a higher level of conflicted family law cases, and the children who fall victim to parental alienation are just another tool to be used. The courts and the alienating parents like the way things are now and scoff at common-sense solutions, equality, due process, and what’s truly proven to be best for children. It’s these subhumans who are a major part of what’s wrong with society. Much more of a problem than most people can even fathom.
I firmly believe that if it were not also for the corrupt family law system condoning and encouraging the behaviors behind alienation and the narcissistic parents engaging in it, that it would not be the hot issue it is today.
I also believe the disturbing narcissistic psychological behaviors behind this form of child abuse are condoned and even encouraged in this country with everyone, but especially in the family law industry issues and especially with women when it comes to divorce/custody/rights/domestic violence/entitlements/etc.
There are reasons behind this and even organizations and laws in place to help achieve this ongoing bias and alienation using a variety of tactics, including false allegations and even encouraging innocent children to do the same. This is partly done to get an automatic advantage during litigation and/or to start high-conflict custody court battles that will generate even more money & power for these greedy individuals, organizations, and agencies.
If women really want “true equal rights,” they would reject the family court industry’s relentless temptations and incentives for them to play along with the corrupt games and bias laws aimed at eliminating biological fathers from children’s lives and continuing litigation for profit as well as other incentive-driven profits outside of litigation. How is anything considered to be equal here? Real women welcome 50/50 custody and true equal parental rights.
Some of the things the courts do would be to dismiss real evidence and expert witnesses in favor of baseless hearsay, false allegations, perjury, and crony false witnesses (so-called experts) that the court appoints themselves. In the meantime, QUALIFIED family therapists and experts are dismissed, and common-sense solutions are scoffed at. Solutions that are indisputably good for the kids are ignored while court-ordered flunky evaluators who cooperate in continuing the conflict for profit are used in hearings. Common sense and actual truth are thrown out the window along with our constitutional parental rights. That’s just one small example of how they operate.
The same thing can be said with unnecessary limited visitation orders and no-contact orders without due process or in fact finding a parent unfit. This is outrageous, yet everyone cashes in, including supervised visit programs, counseling agencies, parenting evaluators and coordinators, CPS agencies, caseworkers, advocates, authorities, police, schools, abusive parents, etc… – They’re all feeding from the same money pot that the courts judges, lawyers, and personnel are. They all hope to prolong conflict into extra innings with constant adjournments, hearings and jumping through hoops that you must pay for just to defend yourself no matter if you are the petitioner or not. They collude with each other and with the inappropriate and even neglectful/abusive parent to keep the wheels turning.
A common tactic used is based on giving the kids to the hostile/alienating parent on purpose so the other parent is forced to fight not only for the kids but also for the basic inalienable civil/human & constitutional rights of themselves and the children. From this starting point raising or even seeing your own kids is a monumental task, to say the least. It’s nearly impossible for most considering parental rights and the constitution are completely and illegally ignored by the family law industry. Whichever parent is most likely to use the kids as pawns and play along with the family court’s corrupt & bias status quo is most likely to get custody and other rewards. The other is treated worse than a criminal and has even fewer rights than one.
Contempt and perjury are just an everyday event behind the closed doors of the family courts, as well as many other forms of misconduct, conflicts of interest, and malpractice. It’s the way it is, and it’s the way they like it. They want it to stay this way for as long as they can. The whole system is crafted in a way to do this. I’ve often said that the system is surely not broken… but built this way on purpose… with bad intent.
They surely don’t want anyone to speak out against them or they’ll use the threat of never seeing your children again to force compliance in what is without a doubt one of the most diabolical issues going on in this country right now, in the world for that matter.
This is an epidemic in America and around the world that is creating a fatherless society and causing chaos in the lives of children and society. At least some countries like Brazil have revised their laws to outlaw parental alienation, and they’ve taken some measures to treat it as the child abuse it is.
This is good for people and for the country. So why aren’t other countries such as the U.S. following this lead? Because they don’t want to and because we as citizens are so easily manipulated that we actually allow this.
We are very far behind here in the good old U.S.A. because of the greed of those in power and the ignorance of the people who are not standing up against it. Come to think of it…what is anybody standing up for anymore besides some issues that frankly are quite ridiculous. People get more fired up about the canceling of a silly T.V. show or a fast-food item than they do about real important issues.
I guess it’s just not important that we are having kids torn from their own biological parent’s arms for little to no reasons other than profits and bias power agendas. Then they tell us it’s in the best interest of children. – I believe Adolph Hitler said the same thing.
The “best interest of children”…Ya think? Just another soft term they use to illegally and immorally take away your children and rights for profit.
Taxpayer-funded state & federal grants and incentive programs are given to initiate and prolong conflicted cases and finance opposition groups against shared parenting such as the national organization of women and the bar association. Federally funded Social Security Title IV-D incentive programs are basically kickbacks to the states that encourage judges to minimize custody while maximizing support and collections in which the state collects dollar for dollar* amounts for themselves. So think of that next time you pay your taxes and don’t see your own kids? Think of that as you sit in jail (modern-day debtors prison) for missing a support payment after going bankrupt or after false accusations. Think of that when the police tell you they won’t enforce orders of visitation but vigorously enforce support collections and false DV calls after the V.A.W.A. was made priority. Think of those and so many other things. Just start thinking, then start doing something about it.
As citizens of this nation, we are funding our own family’s demise.
The family courts like to see a bad parent willing to use the kids as pawns and continue the conflict. They like to see a parent willing to play along with the status quo instead of rejecting it. That parent is most likely awarded custody, money, assets, and other rewards. The other parent who is willing to do whatever it takes to protect the kids and fight for justice is treated worse than a criminal… But he keeps on fighting anyway. This is the perfect ingredient for years of profitable litigation and services.
You tell me why all these powerful well-funded women’s groups and bar association lawyers continue to fiercely lobby against any & all efforts for shared parenting and equal rights under the law. – Tell me… WHY? They have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo… that’s why. So they continue to seek out and create conflict with our families so the state governments can take over. Having a typical situation of one parental or gender class having control over the other is the status quo. They want to maintain this gravy train.
Those parents who play along with the courts and use their kids against the other parent who is just trying to be a parent are despicable… but the courts love ’em. – KA-CHING!$$$$.- It’s a recipe for years of income for the corrupt system. But it’s a disaster for families.
When this lesser parent is rewarded they will have affirmation and even brag about how they’re “winning”. The kids are an afterthought, but the alienating parent actually enjoys the ongoing attention and litigation because of the winning and rewards. They are vengeful. They are entitled, encouraged, and enabled to behave this way by the very system we entrust to prevent it. – This is happening everywhere…It’s a SCAM of mammoth proportions that feminists, lawyers, and special interests want to continue indefinitely. Did I mention the kids are an afterthought except when being used as little soldier puppets against their other parent? Did I mention how common it is for a kid’s own parent to throw them under the bus? – I believe I did. The kids are the collateral damage and the number one ace in the hole for the dirty game player to use as tools. Kids are the grease that turns the wheels of this corrupt scheme.
Anyway… Bias laws on the books such as V.A.W.A. have false allegations against men and fathers as just another everyday event to strip them of everything including their kids. No accountability to those who make the false claims to win custody though. Also, organizations such as N.O.W. are certainly compounding the issue of parental alienation while ironically denying its very existence and even lobbying against its inclusion into the DSM-5 and against shared parenting bills of any kind. – Ask yourself…Why? Abusing laws such as V.A.W.A. that were put in place to protect women is actually doing the opposite and causing more harm than good in the long run. None of this is good for women, families, or society. Although these organizations and laws give the illusion that they do the right thing and they have a majority of the public actually still believing it, they are one-sided bias laws that are mostly used and abused on a regular basis in the name of greed and power.
The very laws the system put in place to protect women are abused by the same. These groups use laws and public sentiment (propaganda) for selfish gains. False statistics are also part of the well-funded propaganda the public is fed from these entities. They use this against men to win custody through false allegations and any other way they can. Yet there are no sanctions for them doing this even when they’re caught beyond a shadow of doubt.
Their take on fatherhood is to keep minimizing it and just call them all abusive deadbeats. Especially the ones who don’t conform to the bias. They want a fatherless society and think things are better that way. – How’s it working out so far?
There’s lots of help out there for women… These laws and services would be a good thing if so much of it wasn’t simply corrupt as hell. Men have no such funded organizations or laws to protect them or help them fight the inequality going on. There’s nothing in place for them… Nothing.
The fact is… that this is all about money & bias power. It has nothing to do with equality, shared parenting, protection, families, or the best interest of those it hurts most… ALL CHILDREN!!!!
With all this being said, there are still plenty of good moms out there that are getting a raw deal just like the majority of us good dads are. Sometimes the system does the same of everything I said, only with the genders reversed. However, for various reasons it’s set up to generally be extremely biased against men, fathers, and even boys.
This is becoming more & more apparent to the public. There are very many women out there who are outspoken against the biased system doing this to us under the guise of empowering women. Men, women, and children are starting to speak out against these intrusive and oppressive injustices to our society by the government-run family court system. Many more men & women are becoming aware every day and joining the cause of equal parental rights for all. What (if anything) are you doing? There are good people and bad people of both genders, but for whatever reasons the system has taken advantage of natural human dynamics as well as overshot women’s rights agendas. The pendulum has swung too far and it needs to be equalized.
There’s more & more good folks of both genders who are furious at the sheer numbers of those out there who abuse the system to their advantage while alienating the kids. They’re furious at the system itself for encouraging and enabling this behavior. They speak out against it and they reject it as they should. I tip my hat to them and thank them along with everyone else who actively takes action against this oppression perpetrated on our children, families, and society. It can all be looked at as a simple matter of right vs. wrong. To not choose one or the other is the same as choosing wrong. In the end, nobody gets away with being complacent and there’s no in-between.
So which side are you on… Right or wrong? ~ Mike Whitney
* Editors Note:
States recoup 66% from the Federal Gov’t for nearly every dollar they spend (Expense) on child support enforcement efforts. Plus:
— Many States charge (keep) Interest on Arrears
— Many States charge (Keep) Fees to the Obligee and Obligor for child support ‘Services’
— States have the opportunity to receive additional millions of $$ in Child Support Enforcement (CSE) Bonus Money depending on how well they do what the Feds (OCSE/OCSS) want done.
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